I was in a recording session once and one of the gents in the room asked, 'what did you create this with?'
A lengthy conversation was sparked after expressions of disbelief were apparent across the room. I answered every question honestly (I said honestly because producers tend not to share their trade secrets, but that to me is just insecurity. But that's for another entry.)
I have come across that same reaction every time. The 'really?' reaction and the 'and you're telling me?' response. Why wouldn't I? I believe that in the creative field, like fingerprints, no two can and will be alike. Sure, I can take a crack at producing like Primo or Easy Mo Bee whose primary thump and boom-bap come from the SP-1200. But it wouldn't sound the same. It would sound like a sound-a-like. The soul or essence of that individual is missing.
It's like playing ball like Jordan in his prime. Yeah, you could go and purchase a pair of UNC ball shorts and wear 'em under your regular ball shorts and try and score 60 points a game. You can try, but chances are, it ain't gonna happen.
My comparision to these gentlemen is not to make myself seem more lofty or arrogant in any sense. I will never perform they way these men have in their respective fields. But what I will do is perform at peak in my own field, with my own soul, which in essence is what no else can do. They can try, but chances are it ain't gonna happen.
Ask and I'll tell you. Stupid? Nah. Cocky? Meh. Confident? Absolutely! We'll never make the same cake. I'll continue to ask as long as it helps to make me a better producer and individual amongst my peers who I hold in such high regard.