Friday, February 20, 2009

The Power of The Network.

Font sizeI think of athletes and entertainers as superheroes. Not of the "role-model" variety, but as individuals that possess some kind of base power - super strength, super speed, etc. But after the base power, we each have that "something unique" about us that makes us an individual in a certain class. But even with the power, no man is an island. The more like-minded heroes you get working with you, the better the possibility of urban renewal.

If you get the chance to work with folks, do so. If you can seize an opportunity to work with someone, do so. Know who you are and what you do first. Then realize what it is that you bring to the fight and associate with forward-thinking, upwardly mobile individuals. See how your power can benefit their cause and offer it. Trust me, you'll get it back ten-fold. But let me be clear... move with movers. Innovate with innovators. Go get it with go-getters.

Surround yourself with success, and you'll have no choice but to breed success. Surround yourself with smart folks who challenge your thought process, and your brainstorms will become tsunamis of brilliance... maybe even referred to as genius!

There is no room for insecurity. Know who you are... first. The network become much more powerful that way.

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